Streetscape 1
Streetscape 2
Streetscape 3
Streetscape 4
Streetscape 5
Streetscape 6
Streetscape 7
Streetscape 8
Streetscape 9
Streetscape 10
Streetscape 11
Streetscape 12
Streetscape 13
Streetscape 14
Streetscape 15

“I don’t want to design strict solutions…I am mainly looking for new  possibilities.”

Streetscape seeks to explore how street furniture inhabits and relates to its surroundings, looking at how the everyday and how we negotiate our urban spaces can inspires new products for the public realm. From bollards, bike stands to public benches these generally anonymously designed, often unnoticed, objects are the workhorses of the built environment.

Taking into consideration the provenance, uses and contexts of the existing street furniture, in consultation with the Royal Borough of Kingston, we have designed a series of prototypes that aim to sit comfortably amongst what is already in situ whilst making an interesting improvement on what was previously there.

Read Dr Catharine Rossi’s introduction to Streetscape here.

Thanks to Stanley Picker Gallery for their help and support in making this project possible.


Industrially orientated designs were developed through the intensely craft-based stages of prototypes and model making.
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"The bollards are more expensive than normal bollards, but if you think that they’ve been produced locally, that’s extremely beneficial. It’s a little bit more money, but what it brings back to the city is huge, priceless.”
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Colour is being used as a system to visually adapt to different sites.
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